Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Instilling a Love of Reading

Hi Parents!

I am posting three websites I discovered that I found helpful to captivate children in the wonderful world of literature! Now, children can take advantage of the internet and find books they enjoy to read online-of course with the help and supervision of mom and dad!

Happy Reading! On this first website children can discover books to read from short and easy picture books to higher level longer books. There are a wide range of books available for all levels and interests! With this website children are able to get there feet wet in the wonderful, exciting world of poetry. There is so much for children to do on this website from reading funny poems to playing poetry games, there is a rhyming dictionary which is a great resource for kids to use as they take poetry lessons through this website to learn to write their very own poems! And last, but certainly not least. This website was my favorite find, I was quite pleased with the discovery of this great site! It is an interactive site where children can choose how the story will progress. There is a preschool and elementary school level you can select from, each one features several digital, interactive books of different themes along with a myriad of other activities, games and suggested reading that goes along with the selected topic.

Be sure to check out these great websites with your child!! Have a ball in the new worlds you will discover and adventures you will encounter!

~Miss Amy

1 comment:

  1. I like what you have done but the links are not live.

    Mr. C
